A hidden internet gem!


In today’s digital workplace our faces are attached to almost every corporate system. In my opinion it’s a good thing. It helps humanize communication to people I have never met, especially global colleagues.

I wanted to differentiate myself from the standard photo as my digital identity. VMware’s avatar creation tool did not cut the mustard so I fired up Google!

My mission was to obtain a cartoon version of myself, my real self not a vague abstract of me. I tried free online picture conversion sites but the results were subpar. Venturing down the path of paid options I stumbled across this sweet website thecartoonist.me


The Result

I scrolled through the site and it looked awesome! The site promised a hand drawn cartoon (the package I purchased was for face only) within 24 hours for $25 USD. The sceptic in me wasn’t sure how legit the website was.

My fears were alleviated and within 24 hours I had a schmick cartoon of me (ok with whiter teeth and slightly bushier eyebrows). If you want to be a little different at work or your social media accounts I recommend thecartoonist.me 🤙
